What is an Application Security Testing Program?

An application security testing program is an organizational process for continuously assessing and addressing the threat, vulnerability, and overall risk exposure of a company’s internal and external applications, as well as its APIs.

破坏性的违规行为不断成为头条新闻,政府当局对企业施加监管压力, 他们中的许多人正在实现应用程序安全性测试程序,以获得更好的可见性 potential security issues across their applications and more effectively resolve any web application vulnerabilities they find before those applications go into production.

Application security requires strong cross-functional collaboration within a company, including teams spanning security, software development, auditing, executive management, and various lines-of-business functions. For the best results, organizations should include application security early on in the software development lifecycle (i.e. DevSecOps), including the design, development, release, and upgrade stages.

Unlike a vulnerability management program, 应用程序安全程序旨在在公众或公司内部访问漏洞之前捕获漏洞.

Benefits of an Application Security Testing Program

Companies implement application security programs for several reasons. For starters, 应用程序安全程序可以帮助屏蔽和保护敏感的企业和客户数据. It can also aid in compliance, 因为一些企业可能需要有一个应用程序安全程序到位的监管目的. 有效的应用程序安全测试程序也可以帮助公司免受法律制裁, financial, and reputational consequences of a breach.

鉴于不断发生的引人注目的数据泄露事件,公众对数据安全问题的认识越来越高, 客户希望与他们做生意的公司保护他们的个人信息. 应用程序安全程序可以增强客户信心,并通过展示组织正在对客户数据进行尽职调查来提高公司的品牌声誉.

在拥有强大安全文化的公司工作的员工甚至可以强调和支持雇主在安全方面投资的重要性, 了解如何保护客户信息,如个人身份信息(PII)和个人健康信息(PHI).

Ultimately, 应用程序安全程序甚至可能使公司处于更强的竞争地位,而其他市场参与者没有在自己的环境中正确地优先考虑应用程序安全.

Key Elements of an Application Security Program 

尽管有许多实现应用程序安全程序的框架, OWASP的软件保证成熟度模型(Software Assurance Maturity Model, SAMM)作为大多数企业使用的方法脱颖而出. SAMM helps companies evaluate their existing software security practices, build a balanced software security assurance program in well-defined iterations, 展示对安全保证项目的具体改进,并取得快速成功,以实现长期目标, and define and measure security-related activities within the organization. SAMM包括一个工具集和一些资源,用于创建强大的应用程序安全程序, 它可以适应组织当前存在的独特风险容忍模型,甚至随着时间的推移而变化.

Companies may use one or more application security solutions 作为应用程序安全程序的一部分,包括静态应用程序安全测试(SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST), and Runtime Application Security Protection (RASP). SAST and DAST, for example, 是否可以自动识别应用程序源代码或正在运行的应用程序中的潜在漏洞. IAST and RASP, respectively, 测试代码中的已知漏洞是否可以在运行的应用程序中被利用,并监控应用程序的行为和该行为的上下文,以实时自动识别和防御威胁. In addition to these powerful capabilities, 应用程序安全工具还可以促进安全和开发团队之间更好的协作. 

Four Tips for an Effective Application Security Testing Program

These four tips can help you ensure the success of an application security testing program:

1. Address application security early in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) 

您的组织可以通过查找漏洞来减少处理漏洞所涉及的成本和时间 early in the SDLC. Otherwise, you may risk putting applications with vulnerabilities into production, increasing the possibility of a breach. You may also find that it costs far more money, staff time, and frustration to remediate issues later on in the SDLC than at the beginning.

2. Build collaborative relationships 

For your application security program to succeed, your security team, development team, and application team must all be aligned toward a common goal. 如果开发和应用程序团队没有在早期以协作的方式进入应用程序安全计划, security concerns may fall by the wayside and may not be properly prioritized.

安全团队可以通过帮助自动化集成或实现来促进与开发同事之间的良好协作 ChatOps. In the absence of such collaboration, however, 这个过程可能会慢慢停止,安全团队可能会简单地把东西扔过围栏,永远无法修复.

3. Choose the right application security tool

SAST和DAST是在SDLC早期发现代码中的漏洞和错误的强大工具. 这些工具甚至可以通过给开发人员更多的可见性和控制他们自己的修复活动来支持更好的协作.

This way, 它们可以更容易地在应用程序投入生产之前解决潜在的漏洞. 然后,安全团队可以自由地专注于其他优先事项,如质量保证, measuring risk in the pre-production environment, and securing stakeholder buy-in for security initiatives.

4. Evaluate your tool with a proof-of-concept

一旦您选择了应用程序安全工具用于您的应用程序安全程序, 通过概念验证(PoC)对其进行测试,看看它在您的环境中如何运行. This way, 您可以了解该工具对您的环境和团队的影响, 突出潜在的集成或自动化需求,您可能希望在购买之前解决.

应用程序安全性测试程序是帮助组织改进其应用程序安全性的最有效方法, 不断增强公司的能力,以确保适当的应用程序安全性,并激发客户的信心,这甚至可以证明是一种竞争优势. 通过强大的内部协作,在SDLC的早期优先考虑安全问题, 企业可以实现有效的应用程序安全程序,以平衡业务需求和安全目标.

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